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Case 1 In 1999, an 18-year-old computer science student, Shawn Fanning, started an Internet website and file-sharing service

Case 3 The Robinsons, retailer that was incorporated in New Y Wide Volkswa Jersey, and Connecticut business in Oklah through


Case 1
  1. prior to giving final decision to any legal case court may restrain a party from continue with a course of conduct until the case has been decided here court restrained shawn fanning. case had large number of plaintiff's all members of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and they succeeded in providing that defendant had the knowledge of copyright infringement that influenced the court to take decision of injuction.
  2. Yes, I do agree with court decision because it was case related to copyright infringement which is illegal in the eye's of law.
Case 2
  1. If we consider our personal opinion it may be right on the part of ENI which argued that the regulation violated the companies first amendment right to free speech. But when we go through cyber law and right to free speech is bound by some limits same as in case of general public.
  2. Yes, because even though it's press which main duty is to provide true picture of happenings in County it doesn't have constitutional right to release news which may harm peace of country.
Case 3
In this case court found that regional distributor World-Wide Volkswagen Corp had its business in Newyork and its retailer dealer Seaway Volkswagen who's place of business is also Newyork and the plentiff Robinson is also not from Creek County, Oklahoma so it became possible to move case to supreme Court. Here both defendant and plentiff were non residents to Oklahoma jurisdiction.
Case 4
Here case filed by Joeal spouse and children is wrongful death and joeal signed the arbitrary agreement which covers medical, wage-replacement, dismemberment, burial, and death benefits payable to participating employees in the event of injury or death suffered in the course of job.So here claim made by family did not arise under the   arbitration clause that's why trial court denied the motion to compel arbitration.




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