Title - " Get ready to drive "
Sub title - changing car's oil
Date - 1/3/2019
Paper contains detailed process of changing oil of car and prepations need to be done to change oil.
1.Check car whether it has oil or not.
2.If not take decision about going to lube for putting oil or want to do it yourself.
3.For quick service you need to go for lube.
4. If you decide putting oil to car on your own make sure that you have all hand tools needed and even the suitable oil for your car.
5. If you don't have things needed first get it ready.
6. Check how much oil car holds and which kind of oil you need for your car.
* mineral oil
* semi-synthetic oil
* synthetic oil
7. Check for kind of oil filter.
8. Check for engine oil capacity in car or owner manual as it shows how much quarter car can hold.
9. Keep all things ready next step is to lift you car by putting emergency brake and chock the rear wheels for safety purpose so that car shouldn't move back when you are working on it.
10. It's necessary to drain old engine oil for this you need to start car for 5 minutes so that if it has cold engine all oil gets melted and it can be drained easily. Make sure that you have placed container to drain old oil.
11. Remove the oil filter and clean the filter compartment.
12. Place new oil filter.
13. Pore the oil in little by little don't pore at once and wait for few minutes for settling down the oil.
14. For safety purpose check for any kind of drainages.
15. Start the engine and wait for few minutes it needs some time to get started.
16. You are done with your job.