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Logistics term paper III

A#2, Part 3
Comptroller Tom Dollar is a big “fan” of what was once a popular term --- MBWA (management by walking around). 
            As you are sitting at your desk enjoying a cup of coffee, who should walk in but Tom Dollar.
            Salutations, good to see you. 
Tom comments “Just the [man][woman][person] I wanted to see.  I just finished a meeting with the CEO.  
Mrs. Ennis commented that in the staff meetings we have been talking a lot about supply chains and supply chain management.  
She did some reading over the weekend and came away convinced that an important topic is the ability (or inability) to integrate the various aspects of the supply chain.
At the next staff meeting she would like a 10 to 15 minute or so presentation on supply chain integration.
She is relatively open to the content; but thinks that we should cover at least:
            ** 3-1 Purpose of the presentation.
            ** 3-2 Definition or explanation of what supply chain integration is.
            ** 3-3 Strategies that might be used. 
** 3-4 Considerations to help an organization identify an appropriate strategy.
** 3-5 Likely impact of factors such as the availability of the Internet for ordering; managing; etc.
** 3-6 Items that you think should be included if-you-ruled-the-world.
** 3-7 Conclusion(s) /recommendation(s)
[100 points per each suggested topic above.  100 points for any topics that you add.
 Reminder that there are other graded elements not specifically listed.]
            Mrs. Ennis also commented that this is NOT a decision briefing for LUML to decide on a strategy.  Rather, it is meant to be background before we start a longer-term analysis to help LUML better integrate its supply chain.  {Assuming that we can do a significantly better job; but that is a future analysis.}

            LUML has done minimal work in describing its supply chain.  The current managers “know how it works” because it has been developed piecemeal as LUML grew.  If you do have some information that can be applied in the briefing, then use it.  If you need to be more general, then be more general.
            The slides themselves should be balanced.  On the one hand, not just the words “Supply Chain Integration” and assert that the rest of the detail would be covered orally.  On the other hand, each slide should not have extensive narrative.  Enough detail for the content to be accurate and relatively complete. 
            If you wish to make a partial narrative that is ok.  But the intent is NOT for you to write a SPEECH on the topic!
            One general rule is up to two minutes per slide.  So, we are not talking scads-and-scads of slides.
            Do not forget the other grading factors (e.g., references).




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